How a SCOBY Named Sheila Changed My Life.I wrote a guest article for BobCut Mag all about how brewing kombucha changed my life check it out here!
Is your kombucha too tart? Not to worry, you can make probiotic salad dressing!Super fermented kombucha has an excellent place in the kitchen! Whether your tart brew was accidental or intentional, making kombucha salad dressing is one of the best ways to put your extra fermented kombucha to good use. You can make a powerful kombucha vinegar by simply allowing a batch of Kombucha to ferment until all of the sugar is consumed. This usually takes at least 6-10 weeks. Alternatively I have used regularly brewed kombucha in these recipes and have had good results. If I have a mildly fermented kombucha, I will just add 1-2 tsp of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to sour it up! Enjoy some of my favorite kombucha salad dressing recipes below and know that you can replace the vinegar in any salad dressing recipe with kombucha vinegar.
June 2020